Membership Benefits


  1. House Groups are ‘the church’ divided up so that people get the support they need to grow with the added bonus of being able to meet with the Senior Pastor as needed
  2. The size of the group means there is an enhanced opportunity to share and interact with the Word of God in the Bible and learn how to pray in a smaller, more intimate setting
  3. House Group provides a space for you to deepen your understanding of worship as you will participate in and experience worship helping you to appreciate that worship is more than a ‘Sunday thing’
  4. House Groups provide a forum for your God-given talents to be identified, nurtured, developed and put to use. The size and nature of the group provides scope for everyone to participate. Prayer warriors, singers, exhorters, teachers, administrators, organisers, treasurers, fundraisers, good cooks and event planners – are some talents and abilities each House Group can identify, nurture and develop
  5. Being a part of a House Group helps individuals to be successful in their Christian walk as they provide an intimate space to share difficulties and challenges they may not have otherwise been shared so that individuals can receive targeted and on-going prayer support to help them to overcome
  6. House Groups are the place where we learn what it means to be each other’s keeper so that we can practice these behaviours and attitude across the wider  church and edify the body of believers
  7. House Groups provide an intimate setting for un-saved family members, neighbours and friends to be invited to so that they get to know Jesus for themselves